Sunday, January 17, 2010


its only 3 weeks since 2010 started...

I'm pushing forward my will power to be the Gina I want to be. Happy...

I'm cleaner, fresher, have feel absolutely great.

I'm very determined to push forward. Regardless how many tried to bring me down.

Perhaps a few are... could be disappointed in the some choices i've made for myself this year.

Yes...I could have hurt you...disappoint you...but I'm still here...

Someone told me something yesterday,
" THANK YOU for your presense."
" Not a problem, we're just doing our job." I replied.
" No...its like, you can be here physically, but no presense... but your presense is felt."

No matter how early I have to wake up, no matter how tired I am, no matter how much I have to do, no matter i gotta to use the UPAPA for my feet every night, no matter if i feel down and out on certain days...

That makes all the difference for me really.
I'm that simple.


Tried and trial to make everyone happy..but I am not... but I guess that's not the point... because, I'll never make anyone happier...

everything starts from me... when I'm happy everyone else will be too...specially the ones who love me...

My mum, dad, sister, friends are rooting for me to do well... giving me the support i need and more... being there for me.



I'm still always forever here too...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Many I miss...

Today Decided to give myself a break after 2 busy weeks.
Met with J today... been a while since we had lunch together.

was very happy.

I love bus rides... ever I mention? *smile*

On my way home... sitting in the bus, I got a call from J.USS and W.USS ...hahaha they say they miss me... so adorable! I miss all of them too!

After hanging up, with MP3 in my ears... I quickly fell into a feeling... i miss so many... ah gong (s).... ah ma (s).... cousins... niece... friends... and those whom might have once crossed paths with me.

feeling a little down, a tear naturally rolled off my face...I quickly wiped it, hoping no one actually saw me....

B. ah gong...
I miss you so much! I last remembered seeing you, when I was 8 years old, during your birthday.

A.ah gong...
I miss you too. I remember taxi rides, bah guas....kisses on the cheek... hugs... your motivation...*crys* I miss you.


Always your grand daughter.... Gina

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

再见 二零零九...

多 几 个 钟 头 。 。 。 经 年 快 要 结 束 了。 。 。

二 零 零 九 给 了 您 什 么 样 的 快 乐 。 。 。 悲 哀 ?

每 一 年 都 是 很 不 一 样 对 不 对 ?

一 年 过 一 年 , 我 们 慢 慢 的 成 长。 。 。

成 长 中 的 过 程 也 许 有 很 多 有 趣 的 事 。 。 。

哭, 笑, 气 , 喜 。 。 。

喜 怒 哀 乐

酸 甜 苦 辣

不 管 这 么 样 。 。 。 就 是 这 些 经 验 实 我 们 这 么 坚 强 !

好 人 。 。 。 坏 人 。 。 。
您 是 哪 一 个 ?

及 时, 好 坏 人 , 我 们 都 是 。 。 。 (不 管 您 喜 欢 不 喜 欢 /承 认 吗 )

有 意 , 无 意 。 。 。 哈 哈 哈 。 。 。 都 做 过 了!

对 错 。 。 。 谁 能 决 定 ?

但 如 果 你 做 错 了 。 。 。 道 歉 了 吗 ?
但 如 果 你 被 伤 害 了 。 。 。原 谅 了 吗 ?

经 年 快 过 了 , 时 间 不 能 倒 流 。 。 。 不 要 在 等 了 。 。 。

二 零 一 零 。 。 。

新 的 一 年 。 。 。

能 正 式 从 新 开 始 。 。 。

我 呢 ? 二 零 零 九 这 一 年 是 很 忙。 。 。

但 也 是 让 我 有 跟 多 时 间 陪 家 人。 。 。

而 且 让 我 多 认 识 了 自 己 。 。 。

我 是 比 交 开 心 。 。 。

希 望 二 零 一 零 。 。 。 不 对 。 。 。 我 会 加 油 ! ! !

自 己 向 前 冲 ! ! !

你 们 也 要 加 油 ! ! !

妈 妈 G!

PS: 我 的 华 文 程 度 。 。 。 哈 哈 哈 。 。 。 至 少 我 try! 我 用 了 三 个 小 时 写 了 这 个 entry。 。 。 多 多 鼓 励 我 ! ! !

Saturday, December 26, 2009

X'mas and soon to close 2009... JIA YOU!

So its X'mas... how's my life? its been sickly...

I was out stationed for a while... and came back...unfortunately caught in the rain.

I was in bed for most of the time... the rest of it was my frequent visits to the toilet for nature calls ;)

Though I was spending Xmas this year quietly at home... I have to say...Its was very pleasant... been awhile since I've been home for such a long time... all year round been running around meeting

so much dad was worried for a moment," gal you ok? why haven't been going out?" lol... "I'm sick mah..."

2009 will be coming to an end... so what have i done?

I've managed many things this year.... feeling more active...moving around day to day... travel... have a little bit more family time... my guys from N.E.W. is doing well... we did we a musical with YEC.... I must also say I did go through some up and downs... but life is just like that isn't it?

there's ups and downs...

I really like the song above...always wanted to find out the title... but -_-" always ask around people but no one seems to know... thankful my dear J knew it and told me its call 我相信 (I believe)

Its inspires me... HAPPY SONG you know?

In my recent trip to a seminar ( thanks to IH )...

One speaker spoke words of wisdom...well, I say... my wants in life...

Let me share it with you...

Dreams of a common man...







and like I've always say... give gratitude ....

give gratitude to those whom give an opportunity and the be grateful to the opportunity itself.

I dedicate the following video to you too....



Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Grown Up X'mas List.... let's make it happen! ;)

I was tripping over the fact its Xmas and drafting out whatever i wish for... listing them out one by one... but since I was introduced this song by a friend...*thank you* about 3 to 4 years ago... since then... couldn't really list down what I want... its always a halfway list... It keeps me reminded what Xmas is all about... and since I'm grown up and still learning in this growing life of mine... I like to share this to you... take a step back before we wish for something to have this Xmas... perhaps we can offer a special...could be as simple as a box of biscuits...a pack of instant noodles...even better... clothes which has been sitting in our closet for the longest time... perhaps WE CAN SHARE that little something we took granted or forgotten and pass it on to someone who really will need and appreciate it...

Share one gift that you HAVE and someone who NEEDS it and TREASURE it this Xmas...

MY GROWN UP Xmas List:

Do you remember me?
i sat upon your knee
i wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well i'm all grown up now
can you still help somehow?
i'm not a child, but my heart still can dream
So here's my lifelong wish
my grown-up christmas list
not for myself, but for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
that wars would never start
and time would heal all hearts
every man would have a friend
that right would always win
and love would never end
this is my grown-up christmas list
What is the illusion called "the innocence of youth"?
maybe only in that blind belief can we ever find the truth
No more lives torn apart
that wars would never start
and time would heal all hearts
every man would have a friend
that right would always win
and love would never end
this is my grown-up christmas list
this is my only lifelong wish
this is my grown-up christmas list


Friday, December 4, 2009

Look at them... HOW CAN I NOT BE PROUD?! I'm beaming with pride! guys enjoyed a fantastic photo shoot sponsored by
UAN World, The D-Aux Blog shop!
This shots means so much to me and the guys... a long journey....
support and be a fan of their work....
Add them in FACE BOOK!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Oh man.... what have I done?!?!?!

I realise I've been so lost touch to this blog as I've been so busy busy busy as a bee and haven't share the joy of my work to anyone yet....

Ok... besides KFC's tvc for my artistes...

Since September.... My artistes Allen... Dion... April.... Shirley... Elaine are all in the current and upcoming TEENAGE magazines... so keep a look out ok??

Oh also... I've been teaching at Nanyang Poly as their Vocal Trainer... for their upcoming NANYANG Polytechnic's Broadway Musical in Feb 2010.... exciting!!!

Been teaching there for a month of so... seeing the students trying and stepping out of their comfort zones... reminds me of how I was too.... *smile*

Beside Nanyang... I'm also teaching at Ngee Ann Poly with Janet... we were... the course is over le... TAP Programme.... it was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And sincerely hope they learned alot.... was so so so encouraged by their feedback.......would love to go back there to teach again....

Oh yes.... YEC also got event.... passed le.... SHOWTIME!!! Yup... the one that N.E.W. won!!! Thanks to WW and TY.... the event was superb! good job.... plus the book donation!!! fun fun!!!!!

besides showtime and book donations.... before that... there's was Kayaking cleanup event in Sept? Oct? AI YO.... busy until cannot remember... hahaha.... but i sure remember one thing....
DPM Mr Teo...reminded us (YEC) to recreated THE MUSICAL all again.... crossing my fingers.... we will...TRY....*lol*

In the meantime.... I'm working on myself... meaning health wise and career... its all looking great so far...and I'm want more....
